KOBE 2/7 & 2/8 "Change!"
神戸 チェンジ
2/7、8 (Sat, Sun)
at Space WANI (KOBE San no miya)
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5Rhythms "Change" discription
This time, Kobe weekend workshop is CHANGE. not transformation.
Transformation sounds like metamorphose or getting better taste. but "Change" is just change. there is no good or bad. I really like this because good or bad is super subjective.
this time, Yes we dance a lot though, I would say I would LOVE to put more theatrical stuff which is my speciality and my fab part!
honestly, for me, "What the 5Rhythms is?" theatrical part is most charming essence not only "DANCE". this is a movement thorough body. this is body experience movement, art and philosophy. this shows me the world. it's like mirrors of my soul. so, can not skip theatrical part.
you are bigger than the box named of "SELF"
let's play yourself more!if you tend to put yourself into the box, and you can't quit to putin... why don't you change box itself?
allow to be variety of you.
find "NEW YOU" in fun play!
the "fun playing" is re-play of your life.
express yourself intentionally in front of somebody, this is exactly "PLAY"
"WE ARE HOLLY ACTOR" by Gabrielle Roth.
: no experience needed. I will guide in Japanese though, if some English speaker joined, I will both languages.
Feb 7 & 8 (Sat & Sun) 2days workshop.
open venue around 10:30, start 10:00
Tuition: 26000yen (paid by Jan/23)
29000yen (paid by Feb 7)
31000yen (at the door on Feb 8th)